+39 0131 951031

Long Island, New York


The long experience in jewelry handcraft and in the manufacturing of refined pieces of art appreciated all over the world gives Valentina Callegher’s Jewellery the possibility to present a brand of high quality jewelry with a tipically Italian design and to all customers the possibility to rely on a sound structure, on talented masters of jewelry handcraft, on a huge know how in jewelry technical procedures which result in an unrivalled care for details and for the choice of raw materials.

Design is Valentina’s priority, thanks to the support of young designers who contribute to give that trendy and fashionable hint that makes all Valentina’s production a compromise between tradition and modernity.

Valentina Callegher’s production embraces a wide range of designs and patterns which fit different tastes and markets. The special use of diamonds and precious colored stones in all cuts (round, oval, princess, baguette, hearts, pear and marquise) and in all sizes assesses the firm’s uniqueness in jewelry handcraft and its rare expertise in the selection of stones and in the setting techniques.

Valentina Callegher can put at its selected clientele’s disposal her tested experience in the creation of exclusive collections, shaped on the customer’s needs and requirements, both considering styling and price range. Whole sets are created from drawings on paper according to the customer’s suggestions and wishes, while the piece takes shape through the stages of production and can be revised at every step.

New collections are continuously introduced to keep pace with modern trends, thus showing off all the potentiality of ideas and of good willingness of our talented firm.

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